Call for survey participants – Current practice and future needs of professionals involved in evaluating wellbeing and identifying mental health problems in young people with complex communication needs

Mar 9, 2023 | National

University of Melbourne Ethics Approval #25734

Do you work with young people, aged 10-24, who have complex communication needs (CCN), who don’t use speech, or who use augmentative communication?
Do you have a role in identifying if a young person has low wellbeing or mental health problems?

We are looking for:
Health or medical professionals (e.g., GPs, paediatricians, psychologists, psychiatrists, allied health) who have, or receive referrals for, patients with CCN.
Disability workers (e.g., paid support workers, allied health) who work with young people with CCN.
Teachers and education staff who have students with CCN.
You will complete a 15-minute online survey.

Then, if you are interested, we may follow up with an interview or focus group.

This study will help us understand the current practice for evalu-ating wellbeing and assessing mental health problems in young people with CCN. We want to know what you need to be better able to support the mental health of young people with CCN.

Click here, or see the attached PDF for full details: Survey Advertisement PDF