Australasian Journal of Special and Inclusive Education

The Australian Association of Special Education (AASE) aims to enhance access for students with special education needs to quality educational programs, promote professional standards of a high order and to support research that informs the delivery of special education in the Australian content.

To further these aims, the Australasian Journal of Special and Inclusive Education publishes articles for a readership professionally engaged or interested in the education of students with special needs or the education of those who will work with these students.

Students spending time in library

The editors seek articles in line with the theme of the journal — the delivery of educational programs to persons with special education needs; case studies, position papers, research reports, review papers, and descriptions of research-based programs or classroom practices. Articles may be original qualitative or quantitative research papers, literature reviews, or conceptual articles relevant to any aspect of special education practice and policy. Articles written in partnership with the end users of research are highly encouraged.

The journal features an applied section, Special Education Perspectives, to inform practising teachers in regular and special education settings and others interested in the education of students with special needs.


Accessing the Journal

Logged-in members can view the journal online, download articles, and search the archive of previously published issues.

The journal is hosted on the Cambridge University Press website.


Contact the Editor in Chief: Michael Arthur-Kelly, University of Newcastle, Australia.


To subscribe separately, contact:

Cambridge University Press
The Edinburgh Building
Sharftesbury Road
Cambridge CB2 8RY, UK