Simone is deeply passionate about supporting children with complex trauma and has
completed her doctorate research investigating the barriers and enablers for mainstream classroom teachers to
engage with professional development and trauma informed classroom pedagogy. She has had a varied career
working with children and young people in school, residential facilities, complex care settings and out-of-home care
with foster and kinship carers. Simone has worked as a team leader, program coordinator, and program manager in
child protection and currently runs her own consultancy business supporting children with complex trauma, their
families, and communities.

Passed – Accessing Literacy through Assistive Technology
Accessing Literacy through Assistive Technology Online Professional Learning AASE PL Flyer 21.11.22

Passed – Twice Exceptional Students – Challenges of Identification and Support
You are invited to a WA AASE Event on Monday the 31st of October between 4:30 and 5:30 AWST. This is an online event and is free to AASE members. Please see the flyer aattached below for booking details: Flyer AASE PD Term 4 2022 If you are an AASE member, please...

Passed – AWETISM 22
AWETISM 22 will be held on FRIDAY OCTOBER 21 9:30am - 2:30pm AEDT. Here is everything you need to know about the day and how to participate. WHEN, WHERE & WHO? Time, date & how do to participate? WHERE LIVE: After two years, AWETISM is...